Eucharistic Ministers
An Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist helps distributes communion at Mass and may also bring to the sick and dying.
Church Choir
The Church Choir sings songs of Praise and Worship during Mass.
Lectors exercises a genuine liturgical function. A Lector proclaims the assigned reading(s) and general intercessions. The Lector combines faith with skill when reading the Scriptures. The Lector is a Minister rather than just a reader. Just as the priest affects the special presence of God in the Celebration of the Eucharist, the Lector affects the presences of God in the scriptual Word.
Bible Study
​Bible Study is for all who are interested in learning and understanding the word of the Lord. Bible Study meets every Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm downstairs in the Parish Hall.​
Bible Study
​Bible Study is for all who are interested in learning and understanding the word of the Lord. Bible Study meets every Monday evenings at 6:00pm downstairs in the Parish Hall.​
Usher/ Hospitality Greeters
​Bible Study is Ushers duties are important in the worship service in the church. Church ushers, like most ministires in the church, are volunteers. They assist parishioners to find their seats and take up collection during Mass. They also stand throughout the Mass at the doors, by the pews or close to the altar, directs parishioners to take communion, ready to be at service. Ushers' tasks are critical to the flow and function of the worship service.
January 1
Pastoral Council
​The Pastoral Council is an advisory panel to the priest and considers various diocesan and parish related projects and topics for discussion and feedback to the priest.
Parish Planning
& Building Committee
The Parish Planning and Building Committee oversees and manages the churches building program and cares for the facilities used by the church.
Altar Servers
​To be an altar server is a special honor and a great privlege in the Catholic Church. Altar Servers assist the Priest in Celebration of the Liturgy during Mass.
Finance Council
The Finance Council investigates, reviews and evaluates spending impacting the Parish.